Q: How to set proper time for JoomlaStats

A: JoomlaStats get date and time directly Joomla CMS, so the question is: How to set correct time/timezones in Joomla CMS v1.5?


Time zone in Joomla CMS can be set in 2 places:

1) For registered users (logged users)
Joomla CMS backend -> tool bar menu "Site" position -> "User Manager" -> select user -> "Parameters" box -> "Time Zone" property

2) For not logged users (anonymous users and bots)
Joomla CMS backend -> tool bar menu "Site" position -> "Global Configuration" -> "Server" tab -> "Locale Settings" box -> "Time Zone" property


If user (logged user) who browse statistics in backend have set different time zone that not logged users (anonymous), he will see statistics slightly moved in time (amount is difference between timezones).


The best solution is:
a) set time zone for anonymous user to be the same as most users of Your portal (eg. for Germany portal set +1h) (this is Joomla CMS recommendation - anonymous users will see article last modification date in their local time even without login)
b) set for Your backend user the same timezone as for anonymous. Statistics will be correctly counted and displayed even without this, but You must simply remember about time difference


Details about JoomlaStats DB and handling with time - FAQ Time and Time Zones in JoomlaStats


To check if this You have set correctly time zone in Joomla CMS, please edit any article, save it. Open it once again and check last modification date and time.