This item explains the version numbering and the stability status JoomlaStats and it's modules are using.

Released Packages Version Convention

(those packages can be found at JS download page)


Versions of JoomlaStats releases follows an X.Y.Z convention where:

X = The major release number - An increment of this number generally indicates a significant change to the code base. The increment may be completely incompatible with prior versions.

Y = The minor release number - An increment of this number usually indicates a significant change to functionality or architecture but with a moderate to high level of backward compatibility with previous versions.

Z = The stability release number - An increment of this number usually indicates bug fixing within the X.Y release and possibly small enhancements and limited new features. These versions are expected to be fully backwardly compatible with previous increments.



After releaseing a version there will be incrementing Z releases with a bug fixed or a new feature introduced


You can find what changed in each release at the historypage.


This way you can choose to use the latest versions with the latest features (and of course the latest bugs (smile)
) or to wait for the next stable release.

The filename will look like: or

Stability Status

Every release have a stability status, it can be found on JoomlaStats download page.


This release is intended for beta testers. Code contains completely new parts that potential contain flaws.


This release has been reviewed by beta testers and shows no issues on their configurations. However other configurations can be out there that brings up some bugs.


Packages with this release should be free of bugs. They were tested by many users and users has not got any remarks since long time. Those packages successful can be used on production sites.


This release is used by many users for at least 9 months. Users did not reported any significant issues to this release.


Packages with this status should be replaced by newer. They can contain bugs connected with environment changes like Joomla or PHP

Release stability is a parameter that change within time.Therefore it's not included within the filename. This way we can assign the status centrally according to the number of reported issues and their impact. The current status van be checked on the download page. If there are critical issue's with a release we could degrade it, or we could release a version as alpha and when the beta testers find no critical issue's we could upgrade it to beta status without having to release yet another version.

Development Snapshot Packages Version Convention

(those packages could be found at JS FTP source)

Using developmnet snapshot packages could cause destroying JoomlaStats on Your server.
We try to publish only checked packages but during development process everything could happen.

Version convention is identical to the released packages except that we have 4 numbers X.Y.Z.R
R - is the SVN revision. But not revision for whole SVN, but only for directory with sources (exception: for component max of two directories '(...)\trunk\administrator\' and '(...)\trunk\components\')

P.s. During time our version convention changed (yes we want to keep increasing quality (smile) ), so you might find other filename format's in the download area...